School types in Spain

School types in Spain

When deciding to receive a prestigious Spanish secondary education, the key issue concerns the cost of studying in Spain. Over the past years, the demand and popularity of Spanish secondary and higher education has been constantly increasing. This situation is due to two reasons, namely the recognition of a diploma from a ranking university in Spain everywhere in the majority of countries of the world, as well as a lower tuition fee  compared to many European countries. In particular, it should be noted that the leading sports boarding schools in Spain are extremely popular among foreigners.

Basically They  find three different types, each with different qualities:

  • Public schools

Public Schools: These are centers financed and managed by the government with the help of the local administrations of each area. Most of these centers offer all levels of basic and compulsory education (infant, primary, secondary and high school, although some centers delegate higher cycles to public institutes). They have limited places and to access it, a series of requirements established by the Central Administration must be met, such as the proximity of the house. Therefore, parents may submit the application but depend on whether their real circumstances meet the established criteria, to be granted the place or not.

  • Mixed Schools

They are private centers (not created by the administration) but largely subsidized by the Central Administration. They have freedom of management with an adaptation to certain conditions established by the government such as a limit of students per class, dates, admissions, others. They finance part of their offering with grants and another with parental payments.

  • Private schools

It is a private education company financed exclusively by the parents of the students. They have complete freedom of management and some freedom of the curriculum, within the limits set by the government. They usually teach all levels of education although they are free to limit it if they wish. The limit of places and access to them depends on the conditions and criteria established by the school itself.

In Spain, the curriculum, material and working conditions and the timetable of all schools are regulated by the Government of Spain. Some autonomies within the Spanish state have powers to personalize the curriculum according to their own characteristics, always complying with the general law.

The hours of private and charter schools in Primary Education can be five or six hours a day from Monday to Friday. Most of the charter schools offer more than 5 hours a day to Primary Education students. In specific cases, a private school may increase its hours with the consent of the authorities.

Enrollment Period

The term may vary according to the community, generally it is established in the months of May and June. If you arrive in Spain with children and / or adolescents of school age outside the registration period, you must go to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the town where you reside and there they will locate the minor in the school that has available places.

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